Monday, April 26, 2010

How I Spent My Saturday

I was so dumb not to discover or maybe tried out the parks inside Makati Central Business District for a morning walk or jog. It has been ages that my sweat glands clamor for an outpour of its main product but I cannot find anyone who can accompany me in my quest for a healthier lifestyle.

One fateful morning, after a series of failed plans with Erms, we finally got out of the bed at an earliest time on a Saturday and sported on our jogging attires! We did not have a grand/unrealistic plan that morning. It was just a casual walk with a series of "run" from time to time, talk about anything or share funny stories we can remember that we can associate with the building or streets we paved through, and then finish it off with a stroll at the morning Salcedo market (for my Salcedo market finds click here). Sweating was not very much evident on our shirts, but we did sweat!

After six long years, I finally found my way to my long-time dream of getting an early sunrise striking my face. Gah, it was just perfect way to start my energetic Saturday! And not just that, I was too excited to include it in my morning routine that on a Sunday morning, I had my another jog! All the way for a healthier lifestyle!!!

One most important lesson that was refreshed in my rusting (lol) mind is that:

Don't program yourself that something is hard to do unless you tried it for yourself!"

Energy was kicking in us so the next plan that was pushed through is the purchasing of Erms' camera at Quiapo (Erms prefer to call the place as "Hidalgo" as she perceives Quiapo as the home of fakes, LOL!). Henry's Camera Supplies (or Products, I'm not sure) was conveniently located beside SM Clearance Outlet Store where a "safe" parking lot is just across the mall. During our trip, I have drawn these two insights:

Don't assume that everyone knows the basic "policies". Inform.

It was Erms' first time to go to Quiapo and this naive friend of mine was all dress up with matching yellow dress and accessories, and a leggings with no pockets!

I want to be like Henry Sy.

Such a fruitful Saturday, right?

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