Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Favorite Months

My favorite months of the year are from July to Novemeber.

It is not summer. But I am a beach person.
It is not Christmas season. But I am a sentimental and people person.

July to November is rainy season. I hate getting drenched and soaked in flood.
It is the typhoon season. I have my hearts to the helpless victims.

But.... But why do I like these months? Would you know? :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Life As I Know It

Emo mood was a bit active since yesterday. I don't know what time exactly it started but I ended up the day missing and longing for special people in my life. I spontaneously wrote in my Facebook status how I miss writing old school letters and handing (or mailing) them to my friends and family. I did post a sentimental message to my oldest best friend, Rolla, telling her how I miss the younger us. I was more active in sending comments and likes to my friends' page.

Yes, I miss writing on those sweet smelling and carefully designed stationery papers. I miss tucing in my fingers those glitter pens. I miss the idea of giving utmost importance to what you write for the fear of constructing a poor grammar or an incorrect spelling. And how can I forget that strategy of putting a yellow pad beneath the paper so as to have an invisible line to guide you in achieving aligned words. It takes longer than striking the keyboards but it is definitely more fulfilling, and more importantly, more personal.

Time seems to be slipping in our hands so fast. I am missing the younger me, the more carefree and less complicated me, the olden times with friends and family. But... I know it. Life's bicycle is gearing its wheel forward. You can just look back at the traces of marks left by the bicycle but you cannot get back and ride in exactly the same manner, in exactly the same space. And as a mere rider of that bicycle, you need to keep up with the pace. You can temporarily slow down, take a quick pause, but you need to keep going forward.

The good thing about it is that, people from our past are also riding the bicycle of life. They sure long for those happy old days, but like us, they can't go back to the sands of yesterday. We all move forward - maybe not on the same road that we used to explore together but somewhere in parallel they are there... from a distance. And thinking that one day, maybe one day, you will reunite with them and share the same outrageous laugh is one exciting reason to keep pace with life!

And by this, we need to keep the rope tied on our hand and the the other end on theirs. The rope might be getting longer and longer each day because of the distance, and thus, we need to give it an extra care. How? For me simple things would do. Let's get back to the basic. Keep in touch with them in an old school way. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A No Title Poem

you are not mine
i am not yours
but why do i seem so suffer this curse?

in my system runs a pang of jealousy
while in this, i should be free
why do i long for your hug
when i know i have no right to brag

if only i'm allowed to
i'd go and run to you
keep you in my arms like there's no tomorrow
and ease up your pain and sorrow

but the world says i should not
coz if i would, then what?
it will bring only conflicts
that i cant mend in just a series of tricks

i am his
and you are hers
"us" is a vague word
that neither us can afford

keeping in me this sad feeling
and maybe, this i'll be bringing
to the ends of time
when all the odds will be fine

Moody Blogger Strikes Again

How is life treating you right now?

Well, it's been like a month since I poured in my thoughts in my little space. I have a handful pieces to share but then again my moody side has been lurking in my system for quite some time now. The idea of coming up with a worthwhile reading blog adds up to the factors which alienates me from my first love - writing. I don't know but I got tired at one point to construct a sensible sentence to document what my heart stores for the moment. Perfectionist? Could be. But I guess the bulk reason is that I am a good starter but sometimes not a very good finisher.

And so today, I realized that why the heck should I be concerned if what I am jotting here is worthless or not? I don't do this for a teacher's high grade, nor to publicize my blog as a commercial one. These two justifications leads me to one conclusion - this is my space and I can write whatever I want to write. I am a writer, not a media person or a marketer. I write for myself, not for other people.

This is not a promise, but I really want to keep this blog alive. I want to embrace the idea that i have few accounts in what's happening in my life and that one day, I can rewind the old days through clickin my blog entries. After all, this is my diary, only that I have a handful of people who sneak through it. :D

So how is life treating you now? =)