Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When Noynoy flashes the L sign

I know I laid down my unstarted pieces in mind. And I know too well also that I am dead tired after battling with flood, heavy rain, and traffic going to QC for some business appointments. Add up the short sleep and endless waiting I had earlier.

But I just can't help it when the news that filled my ears was the official announcement of Noynoy as one of the hopefuls for the 2010 presidentiables. I felt the need to pour out my insights on this hottest news of the moment.

I have long conceded to the drama of Philippine politics. As how I describe my political views in facebook, it is, for me, a waste of time. Call me a useless citizen, you can't get my fist on your face. But this one had captured my Filipino heart once again.

Noynoy's decision to finally tag his name as part of the list of candidacies for president is, for me, a pre-mature decision. This is the highest post in the governement of Philippine Republic! No, don't get me wrong. I am not against him as running for the seat, what I am against at is the fact that the decision was like a spur-of-the-moment thing. I was suggested to run as president... hmmm.... I'll go on a retreat... then ola, I am announcing my candidacy. I think this is an insane move! I am not trying to project a "know-it-all" image here since I admit I have not done extensive research on the life of the "hottest" man in town.These insights are just plain practical observation.

Have they (him, friends, sisters, supporters) considered:

1. his capability as the highest leader of the country?
2. the country needs not just a person who will unite the opposition slash coalition blah blah blah, what we need is a bold, decisive, and truthful one. Will Noynoy play the best leader there is?
3. that yes, what the countrymen clamor for should be taken into consideration (I'm talking of the claims that people are asking him to run). But, have they thought that this might just be a heightened feeling just because of the "emotional" pour out during the succeeding events concerning his parents?
4. Filipinos are leaders of "ningas kugon" club. What is hot today, will surely not be as hot the next day.
5. Noynoy's desire to really "reform" the country, and not just because he felt the responsibility is being passed unto him?
6. that Filipinos may just be interested in him because of his sister's super famous image and bubbly remarks?

Simple yet very vital considerations for his candidacy.

On the other side of the coin, I am also crossing my fingers for this significant turn out in our history.

1. The family's image of being a simple one (except for Kris of course) is a positive factor in the overall scenario. These four sisters' personal roles stir up my curiosity that what they want is very noble. And what struck me most? Kris' telling the media that to avoid that so-called utang na loob, they need to work hard for Noynoy's campaign. Holding everything to be true, this is a starting point of getting rid of all those nasty decisions brough about by utang na loob.

2. Choosing the lesser evil would be better (I think). I don't know his achievements, mush as I don't know his bullshit tactics. I would go for that one rather than those who deliberately claims as a spearhead of a good project and desperately refuses obvious misconduct and stealing of people's money.

3. Having parents who both marked the history as nationalistic and honest people, I think it plays even a little part in igniting the guilt once you think of a wrong doing.

And what practical tips I can shed?

1. That Kris should stop overshadowing his brother. She talks more giving an impression that he is a weakling.

2. Noynoy should do an effort of improving his total image. A one that is well suited for a president.

Whatever the continuation of this saga is, I only have one cliche hope. That at the end of the day, Philippines and the Filipino people will be in a win situation.

God bless the Philippine Republic. =)

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