Thursday, July 15, 2010


It is already half way when we need to wrap up the seventh month of year 2010. It made me realize, what were the major accomplishments have I done for the last semester? Gah, career-wise. it has been a useless moment for me. But what I am thankful of is that in my family relationships, I got to spend more time with them than in the last few years. I get to prank my nieces more often, attend to our family business occasionally, and share life's stories with my dad and mom.

Going back to my career, I want to achieve two certifications within the year: CIA and CFE. I want to be a full-fledged Internal Auditor and a rigo Fraud Examiner. I guess this is the best way to compensate my weak experience in Ramcar.

Before the year ends, I also want to establish a business. A business which would not require magnanimous capital nor demand with my busy time and schedule. I am longing actually for a business partner slash friend. I guess that would be easier to establish the business. Don't ask me what business do I have in mind now as I do not have concrete plans yet. Ah, I need a business partner.

How about you? What are your plans for the remaining months of 2010? :)

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