Saturday, April 10, 2010


In this exhausting heat that's filling the great Manila, I am here getting sentimental. I have long been planning to create a blog for someone but I got some doubts of pursuing it. Yet, it must be the sign - I hear a song eating up the air right now - a song which we tagged as very much appropriate for us. I will try to make this as discreet as possible as I consider this a sensitive topic.You see, I cannot even mention the name because I am afraid that if I will, it may end up in google or yahoo or bing search when another someone would think of googling the name. I know what will be the next scene - that another someone will bash me again.

Coo-coo and I has been soulmates for like eight long years. Eight long years where we only happen to meet twice. Yes, twice. But ask me about anything concerning that meet up, I would remember all. Life for both of us has been cruel, well at least, for us as together. We've hurt each other as often as Villar and Noy would bash today. One moment we are good, and for the longest time we would be on a silent treatment mode. Yahoo messenger is the only "thing" that keeps us together, with least phone calls and emails.

He is with someone else, I am with someone else. Yet, there is something between us that we cannot totally let go of. Ours is an incredibly magical bond that we feel so naturally close to each other even with only a littlest time that we were physically together.

Yet, coupled with this magical bond is the uncertainty of our communication. I must admit, I always look forward to every chat we have in the world of yahoo messenger. It is not flirting, nor does fishing on his whereabouts. In the separate world of ours, we are not concerned with anything or anyone else. Just us.

like me, he is also so much in love with her sister's kid!
would i meet this cute kid? only time can tell...

Like so many failed steady communication, now we are in that silent treatment once again. Am I getting too tired of it? Amazingly not. And just like the old times, I still do hope for another happy conversation.

Ah, I wish YM  ID marcus....  becomes online once again!

UPDATED: Marcus still did not showed up but his avatar JATM did today! My wish same true. :)

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