Monday, March 15, 2010

Reckoning Our Graduation Day

March 14, 2004 - when we were in our toga with yellow accent silently shouting that we're part of the College of Business and Accountancy. It was our graduation day! Six years had eaten up our life away from school!

Six years had passed. Now the once professional-wannabees now turned into responsible citizens and are constantly molding our niches in the corporate world. The Ilonggos, who lived for twenty years in a small and quite spot in Visayas are now invading the highest highs of Manila, and the vast places in Asia, America, and Europe! And the people who chose to enjoy the sweet life in Bacolod? They are equally sharing a hand for responsible citizenship and economic growth!

We are unquestionably RICH. In whatever aspect of "richness" each of us fits in, I am very much in awe of the success we are ALL enjoying now! We jumped off from the same boat, but the waves and sands of time brought us to different destinations. The journey has been worthwhile, and I hope God will give us continued passion and enthusiasm to reach theother desires of our hearts. More gold, eh? :p

But amidst all this, let us remember also that we are entering the more important phase of our lives - the marriage and the mother/fatherhood lives. With this, I am praying that each of us will find happines in the world of love! To those who have tied the knots, congratulations and always remember to be the best parent to your fruits of love and the sweetest partner to your other half. To those whose Facebook status is "in a relationship", enjoy every moment you have with your gfs/bfs and use this time to assess whether he or she is up for a lifetime companionship. To those who are undergoing a sort of rocky road relationship, just remember there is always a double dutch path that is smooth and equally heavenly. :) And, to my SINGLE friends, take time to find lust within yourself. It might be the turning point of your choice! Bwahaha! Kidding aside, as the cliche line says, being single is the best time to mingle!

We are truly a pride to our school, to our friends, to our family, and most of all - To Him!

 photo from Ching Tuale's FB account

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